Close-up shot of girl's eyes with camera zooming into her irises slowly.
Voiceover: "I had a dream."
Scene: 1
Characters: Girl
Location: -
Props: -
Over-shoulder shot of girl sitting in front of computer scrolling through the details of a job advertisement online.
Voiceover: "They promised me pay, so I could support my family."
Scene: 2 (Flashback)
Characters: Girl
Location: Home
Props: Computer, mouse
Low-angle shot of girl (from behind) walking into a large space of the airport and pausing in the middle of the crowd to smile with hope on her face (camera pans around to front of girl).
Voiceover: "I left with hopes for a better future."
Scene: 3 (Flashback)
Characters: Girl
Location: Airport
Props: Luggage, sweater, scarf, beanie
Close-up shot of girl's hands tied in rope on top of her head.
Voiceover: "There was no turning back."
Scene: 4
Characters: Girl
Location: -
Props: Rope
Over-shoulder-shot of girl as she walks into the room to shake hands with a lady in corporate attire.
Voiceover: "It was a job interview, and there was a lady."
Shot from low-angle side perspective, before girl can shake hands with the lady, two supposedly bodyguards grab her by the arms from behind and drag her away.
Voiceover: “They said I owed the company debt!”
Scene: 5 (Flashback)
Characters: Girl, Lady, Men
Location: Office
Props: Table, chairs
Close-up shot of girl's feet as blood trickles down her calf.
Voiceover: “And I had to pay. With sex.”
Scene: 6
Characters: Girl
Location: -
Props: -
Shot from girl’s perspective (camera backs away from subject) as guy in suit takes off coat, removes tie, unbuttons shirt and leans down.
Voiceover: “My virginity was worth a high price.”
Medium-close-up shot from side perspective as guy kisses girl's neck, with her expression of pain, agony and suffering.
Voiceover: “So was my dignity.”
Scene: 7 (Flashback)
Characters: Girl, Guy
Location: Bedroom
Props: -
Close-up shot of girl’s abdomen, filled with bruises and scars.
Voiceover: “Nobody escapes.”
Scene: 8
Characters: Girl
Location: -
Props: -
Shot of shadows on the wall/door, showing the brutal treatment of pimp hitting girl with belt and roughly throwing her to floor.
Voiceover: “They hit you, threaten you. They can even kill you.”
Scene: 9 (Flashback)
Characters: Girl, Pimp
Location: Room
Props: Belt
First shot of girl in a corner, knees up to chest, head in arms, crying.
Second shot of girl using stone to carve numbers of cement ground.
Voiceover: “There’s fear, and survival. To continue living, even when our souls are dead.”
Scene: 10 (Flashback)
Characters: Girl
Location: Cell
Props: Stone
Close-up shot on girl’s mouth, shut with black tape.
Voiceover: “The thing is, people don’t know.”
Scene: 11
Characters: Girl
Location: -
Props: -
Timelapse of busy street, that slowly fades to black.
Text (white): 27 million people worldwide are slaves of human trafficking.
Scene: 12
Characters: Crowd
Location: Street
Props: -
Shot of red light district with people walking to and fro, that slowly fades to black.
Text (white): 80% of human trafficking victims are women.
Scene: 13
Characters: Crowd
Location: Red Light District
Props: -
Random shots of different women (and men) faces, that slowly fade to black.
Text (white): Anyone can be a victim. Anyone can help.
Scene: 14
Characters: Women
Location: -
Props: -
Text (on black screen): STOP (red) human trafficking (white).
Logos shown on screen.
Scene: 15
Characters: -
Location: -
Props: -
Human trafficking it happens when women, men and children fall into the hand of traffickers/traders either in their own country or abroad. They are exploited for prostitution, slavery and cheap labour and some even for their organs. To prevent human trafficking, government bodies should have stringent checks on labours management and also have good governance of the country. Also, have immigration checks on all points and educate people about human trafficking in the community that are more vulnerable. Besides that, employers should adhere to recruitment laws of the country or face severe punishments. Lastly, running campaigns in diff languages throughout the world on human trafficking would also help in preventing such things.

Violence against women  -  It is a violent act committed against a women causing her to be physically, mentally, sexually or emotionally disturbed. The accused is usually one who is not educated, exposed to violence in the family since young or even high on alcohol. Examples of violence against women are, hitting her aggressively, shouting at her using foul words, forcing her into sex and etc.

Drug addiction especially in partiesYoungsters usually want to feel pleasure and fun and it is the time in life where they want to try out and experiment new things, therefore many of them tend to try certain drugs like cocaine, weed and different types of pills. It concludes that drug addiction among the youngsters are definitely on the rise especially in parties and night clubs.

Juvenile delinquency and crimeAs the years go by, more teenagers are involved in crime in different aspects such as raping, robbing and even murder. The cause of it is because these teenagers lack of attention and love, low education and some are even exposed to violence and crime in their own home since young which results in them doing it themselves. 

Vandalism vandalism is things people do to public amenities that damage them. Nowadays, many public amenities are being destroyed and scribbled on especially public toilets, bus stops, public phone booth and even schools etc. These immoral acts can be stopped if surveillance cameras are installed and also if proper lighting is put up because people are less likely to vandalise things if the place is visible. Also if you see vandalism taking place, inform the person in charge such as the police or the neighbourhood head. 

Corruption - People who have higher authority nowadays tend to swindle and take part in corruption because they are more profit oriented. It happens because people nowadays want power, money and fame. This can be stopped by strictly making people abide by laws and also by having an anti-corruption campaign.





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