Since our storyboard has been approved, we can proceed with our filming which will be done during our mid semester break. Since Shivany offered to use her DSLR for filming there will be no hastle about getting a HD camera/video. HOPEFULLY THE FILMING SWILL GO SMOOTHLY! 
Action: - 
Dialogue: Text (on black screen): STOP (red) human trafficking (white). Logos shown on screen.
Timing: 00:07
Camera Angle: -
Props: -
Action: Random shots of different women (and men) faces, that slowly fade to black.
Dialogue: Text (white): Anyone can be a victim. Anyone can help.
Timing: 00:15
Camera Angle: Collage of medium close-up shot
Props: - 
Action: Shot of red light district with people walking to and fro, that slowly fades to black.
Dialogue: 00:14
Timing: Text (white): 80% of human trafficking victims are women.
Camera Angle: Extreme long shot
Props: -
Action: Timelapse of busy street, that slowly fades to black.
Dialogue: Text (white): 27 million people worldwide are slaves of human trafficking.
Timing: 00:14
Camera Angle: Extreme long shot
Props: -
Action: Shot on girl’s mouth, shut with black tape.
Dialogue: Voiceover: “The thing is, people don’t know.”
Timing: 00:07
Camera Angle: Close-up shot
Props: Black tape
Action: Girl's knees up to chest, head in arms, crying in a corner
Dialogue: Voiceover: “There’s fear, and survival. To continue living, even when our souls are dead.”
Timing: 00:10
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: -
Action: Shot of shadows on the wall, showing the brutal treatment of pimp hitting girl with belt and roughly throwing her to floor.
Dialogue: Voiceover: “They hit you, threaten you. They can even kill you.”
Timing: 00:15
Camera Angle: Medium long shot
Props: Belt
Action: Shot of girl’s abdomen, filled with bruises and scars.
Dialogue: Voiceover: “Nobody escapes.”
Timing: 00:05
Camera Angle: Close-up shot
Props: -
Action: Guy in suit takes off coat, removes tie, unbuttons shirt and leans down.
Dialogue: Voiceover: “My virginity was worth a high price.”
Timing: 00:15
Camera Angle: Shot from girl’s perspective (camera backs away from subject)
Props: Bed
Action:  Guy kisses girl's neck, with her expression of pain, agony and suffering.
Dialogue: Voiceover: “So was my dignity.”
Timing: 00:08
Camera Angle: Medium-close-up shot from side perspective
Props: Bed