Here is our poster regarding Human Trafficking, We hope women will be more careful when applying for jobs and don't be fooled into getting trafficked. 

I used adobe flash Cs6 to create this man. At first it was quite tough but later on i got the hang of it. t

     On the first day of shooting we got many unknown people to look into our camera sadly as it is needed in one of our scenes. After that, we moved from the Student Life Centre to the music room where we filmed the close up scenes of the victim whereby we had to make her up with fake bruises and also chili sauce which we got from one of the restaurants in Taylor's. 
     On the second day of shooting, we actually encountered a problem whereby one of the actors couldn't make it and we had to look for a substitute immediately which we somehow manage to do. Also, we found a dodgy place in the basement of Taylor's and shot another scene there. Later in the evening, went to Subang Airport for another scene.
    On the third day of the shoot, we went to a friend's cousin's studio apartment in Mont Kiara to film few more other scenes.
    So we are finally done taking all the scenes, next up is the compiling and editing part. Well, two of our group members are in Amsterdam and it is hard for us to work together when we are apart but we are pulling through because Trecia did some editing before she left. We are thankful that our wonderful lecturer, Mr. Alex has given us more time to actually prepare our final video. Hopefully, everything goes as well as the shooting did.
Since our storyboard has been approved, we can proceed with our filming which will be done during our mid semester break. Since Shivany offered to use her DSLR for filming there will be no hastle about getting a HD camera/video. HOPEFULLY THE FILMING SWILL GO SMOOTHLY! 
Action: - 
Dialogue: Text (on black screen): STOP (red) human trafficking (white). Logos shown on screen.
Timing: 00:07
Camera Angle: -
Props: -
Action: Random shots of different women (and men) faces, that slowly fade to black.
Dialogue: Text (white): Anyone can be a victim. Anyone can help.
Timing: 00:15
Camera Angle: Collage of medium close-up shot
Props: - 
Action: Shot of red light district with people walking to and fro, that slowly fades to black.
Dialogue: 00:14
Timing: Text (white): 80% of human trafficking victims are women.
Camera Angle: Extreme long shot
Props: -
Action: Timelapse of busy street, that slowly fades to black.
Dialogue: Text (white): 27 million people worldwide are slaves of human trafficking.
Timing: 00:14
Camera Angle: Extreme long shot
Props: -
Action: Shot on girl’s mouth, shut with black tape.
Dialogue: Voiceover: “The thing is, people don’t know.”
Timing: 00:07
Camera Angle: Close-up shot
Props: Black tape